
Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.
— Proverbs 19:1

Values are those things you believe are deeply and critically important for how you live, work and play. Values help us decide priorities. Like the rudder of a ship, values guide the direction we are going.

If I was to ask what your top three personal values are, I wonder what you would say? I have been part of this type of conversation in several contexts. Responses range from “I’ve never really thought about it” to “I suppose respect should be on the list ”to“ kindness! We should all be kind, shouldn’t we?”

It can be difficult for us to get our first word added to our list. To find our top two or three can be a huge challenge. Someone whose values include fun and freedom may live differently from a person who values diligence and respect.

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If the question about your personal values is not difficult enough, there is a harder question. If I asked you to tell me what other people think your values are, what would they say? If I asked your spouse, for example, what your top three values are, would you be surprised at the list they produce? If I asked your child/ren here at school what their parent’s values are, we could all be surprised.

Our values define who we are. Our values are what others see when they watch our actions and hear our words.

Christian Schools Tasmania schools – Emmanuel, Calvin, Northern and Channel have a powerful Vision, Mission and Values that guide our organisation.

Our Vision is to be a transformational Christian Learning Community. To see that Vision come alive in the school, our Mission is to provide the highest quality Christian education that prepares and equips students for life. The Values that define us in each of our schools are “Faith, Hope and Love”. But the greatest of these is Love.

At Emmanuel, our school values guide us as we live out our overarching Vision, Mission and Values, are Courage, Integrity and Respect. Although we are reviewing these as part of our review process, these three words impact how we act and what we do.

 The Bible gives us a firm foundation to build our lives on. Biblical values set us up for a prosperous and productive future.

Scott Winkler — Principal