A Positive Spin!

Recently, we have changed a few things with our rewards points system. In the past, we have had a large scale rewards day at the end of each term to reward students for their great behavior. It’s a fair while to wait though. If students gained points in the first week of school for serving others; it could have been opening a door for someone or helping out another student with some advice or work, then it’s a long time to wait to reap the rewards at the end of term!

Everyone can make an effort in learning, making it possible for everyone to get rewarded.

Because of this, our school has started to give out ‘café cards’ to students who display role model behavior. It could be improving in the work that they are doing, through to serving others. Café cards are also given to students who make wise choices in classes, by getting their work done to the best of their ability.

When we encourage students, we aim to praise effort rather than an outcome such as a grade. Everyone can make an effort in learning, making it possible for everyone to get rewarded.

A favourite Proverb of mine is Proverbs 3:27

Do not withhold good from whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.

Starting the ‘café card’ reward gives teachers the opportunity to praise students when it is due. The only waiting the students have to do is hang out until Friday when the café card can be exchanged for a hot chocolate and a small snack. The short wait appears to set students up with anticipation and excitement of receiving their reward at the end of the week.

Please let us know their thoughts on the café we have set up. Our student leaders run the café, giving them an opportunity to put their leadership skills into practice. Sometimes they even get a café card for working in the café.

Ed Moroni - Secondary Coordinator