Welcome to Emmanuel!
From Kinder to Year 10, we have committed, talented and capable Christian staff.
I am humbled and privileged to be part of this educational gem on the Eastern shore of Tasmania.
At Emmanuel Christian School children do not just matter, but are treasured as precious God-given gifts that are nurtured through the school’s responsible stewardship. We provide them with the optimum opportunity to grow academically, spiritually, culturally, socially, and emotionally.
We believe partnering with Parents and Carers is essential for equipping our students for their present and future lives. Providing these opportunities, means attending to young people’s primary needs of a sense of belonging; experiencing competence in life; a sense of developing independence; and being loved, respected and cared for. This is provided for in a context where there are clear moral and behavioural parameters, based on Biblical truth, Christian teaching and the shared institutional values of our community. As a school, we continue to celebrate the legacy this provides.
As we strive for holistic educational outcomes, we provide individual academic care, a consistent monitoring of children’s growth and achievement through continuous reporting. Drawing from data and evidence-based instructional practices, we work to attend individual learning needs based on respectful productive relationships. We provide our students with life skills for an ever-changing world. Every student in our school is provided with a chance to develop the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy and opportunities to develop higher-order competencies such as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, creativity, and effective communication skills.
We will continue to draw our strength as a collective from communal prayer. Our devotions in homerooms and assembly bring us together and remind us of the great love that our Father has for us in reconciling us to Him, and giving us His Holy Spirit as our guide on this journey. If your search is for holistic Christian education in a safe, warm, loving and student-centred context, pay us a visit and tour our beautiful, refreshing campus. I am confident you will be persuaded to be part of the great work that God is doing in the educational space on the Eastern shore.
Lifeas Kapofu — Principal