Raising Children

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6

Bringing up young people is one of the most important things we do. As a society, speaking into children's lives, nurturing them and guiding them rates as one of the greatest privileges we will ever have.

I appreciated an article by Michael Grose, who is the founder of Parenting Ideas, one of Australia's leading parenting educators. The article is called 'A Simple Formula for Parenting' and includes this formula:

  • Show kids how to behave.

  • Keep pets to develop nurturance and responsibility.

  • Be the adult in the parent-child relationship.

  • Cultivate good manners.

  • Build character daily.

  • Catch kids being kind, gentle and strong.

  • Establish healthy habits early.

  • Stick to routines.

  • Have fun.

  • Eat together every day.

  • Focus on excellence, not perfection.

  • Spend individual time with each child each week.

  • Expect kids to change.

  • Keep an adult only place at home.

  • Admit it when you're wrong.

  • Choose the time and place to deliver big messages.

  • Keep the meal table free from arguments.

  • Prepare for tomorrow the night before.

  • Expect children to help.

  • Encourage siblings to apologise.

  • Send kids to school with breakfast, a kiss and a smile.

  • Celebrate success as a family.

  • Spend time in nature together.

  • Let go.

The simplicity of this formula is helpful and refreshing. On the other hand, there is nothing simple about this list. The list is food for thought, and I trust you find it useful and something to print out and stick on the fridge to guide you through the joys and perils of parenting.

I’ve often heard people say that when their children were born, they did not come with an instruction manual. In fact, there actually is, my wife and I found the Bible was a fantastic guide for raising children. Now with my three children as young adults, a wonderful son-in-law and a grandson on the way, I see the truth in the Bible to be a powerful guide for success.

Happy parenting and I look forward to working with you all in 2021 as we partner together to foster young people who act with integrity and show courage and respect in their daily lives.


Scott Winkler - Principal