First Term Secondary News

Welcome to term one, it is good to see students settling in, with classes running smoothly. Our new staff, Miss De Leon and Mrs Krishnan are very welcome additions to our team.

I have already seen some exciting teaching ideas used in their classes, including QR code responses used to answer class quizzes.

Over the next two weeks, Questacon is visiting the school to inspire our students with some practical science experiments. We also have the FUTSAL tournament coming up in March.

On Wednesday afternoons, Inquiry classes are working on exciting challenges including National History Challenge, crime scene science, worship band, media crew, foodbank, peer support and basketball.

In 2021 we hope to see secondary camp go ahead mid-year, however we are required to follow Government advice in relation to COVID-19. If camps are not possible for this year, we will organise a number of excursions for students to participate in team and relationship building exercises.

If you have any questions or queries regarding anything to do with the high school, please feel free to call or email me at school.

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Ed Moroni - Secondary Coordinator