Thriving in the Digital Age - A Balancing Act

CST hosted the recent Christian Education National State Conference from July 23 to 24. The conference theme was Thriving in the Digital Age.

Some of the conference takeaways confirmed some of the statistics we are now familiar with, for example that more than 80% of Australian children are spending more time on the screen beyond the recommended levels. The conference also explored the possibilities and dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence. This digital age has the potential of leaving most of us in a paradox, with technology being the faithful enabler of human progress, whilst simultaneously presenting itself as a potential threat to humankind. Of interest to us as a school is navigating this dilemma in ways that enrich teaching and learning experiences whilst safeguarding our students from the unintended undeniable facts around cognitive, motor, and cognitive delays, associated with raised levels of screen time amongst infants.

As a school, we are not anxious about the boom in knowledge systems, and we believe we have and will always promote safe and progressive technology usage, inclusive of AI. We believe that it is very possible to harmonise safety, ethics, and progress in technology usage, guided by our core Christian principles and values. We believe that this is possible through:

Education: Our community needs to understand the current technological tools and their implications for safety, privacy, and ethical issues. Scripture warns us:

‘I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves’
Matthew 10:16

Inspiration: Our community must continue to inspire the next generation in developing technological literacy within a framework of Christian values. We need to invest in them the principles of respect for the dignity of the human person, care for the common good, and responsible stewardship of technology.

Collaboration: In our school, we believe that ‘we are safe when all of us are safe’. Technology integration at a school level demands that we develop and foster open dialogue and collaboration. All voices matter and will be heard and respected as we embrace opportunities presented by technology.

e-Safeguarding: We have some proactive measures embedded in the devices that we avail to our staff and students. These measures protect our community from harmful content and online threats as they navigate the digital world in pursuit of education.

Innovation: My call for our community is that we need to innovate and support technological innovation in our school in ways that promote progress and continuous learning. As we Re-imagine Life’s Possibilities for our students in the technology space, we will do so without compromising our values and the safety of our community. We will need to balance protection and progress.

Lifeas Kapofu - Principal