Created For A Purpose

Education and pedagogy serve as a means of passing on society's values to the next generation, making them inherently socio-political.

As such, it is essential to consider how Christian education aligns with God's Word. I am reminded of the words of David Smith, who argued that our approach to education should not treat students as mere objects without considering their beliefs and desires, which play a crucial role in their growth and success.

In Genesis 1:26-31, we see that God created humanity in His image, imbuing each person with purpose and meaning. Man was not created to be an ordinary creature with no purpose, but rather as a reflection of His divine attributes, God made man to be purposeful. As a Christian school, we believe that our staff and students have all been called by God to fulfil His purpose and are therefore working in service of His plan. The word purpose means being set for a thing. In Christian education we, as Bonhoeffer writes, believe that:

‘God did not make others as I would have made them. God did not give them to me so that I could dominate and control them but so that I might find the Creator by means of them. Now other people, in the freedom with which they were created become an occasion for me to rejoice, whereas before they were only a nuisance and trouble for me. God does not want me to mould others into the image that seems good to me, that is, into my own image. Instead their freedom from me, God made other people in God’s own image.’

In Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 5, God tells Jeremiah

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own].

In Christian education, we strive to uphold the belief that each person is a unique masterpiece created by God and deserving of respect and nurturing. Our role is to serve as instruments of God's purpose, recognizing that every student is created to fulfil a specific purpose in Christ.

Because we acknowledge that every student has been made uniquely by God for a purpose, we therefore promote differentiation to accommodate each student's unique strengths, giftings and abilities. Ultimately, we trust in the LORD’s work within us and our students, recognising that ‘unless the LORD builds the house, our work will be in vain’ — Psalms 127:1.

So, we believe the LORD is at work in us and our students, and success is when He says well done, good and faithful servant. — Matthew 25:23.

Lifeas Kapofu — Principal