The Impacts of Lifestyle on Learning

Not having breakfast, going to bed too late, not having enough fruits and vegetables: all of these things can affect student learning negatively and is something that is being seen in many schools across Australia.

When a student does not get enough nutrients in their diet, they can lack focus and energy to make it through the day. As adults, we could all recall a time when maybe we over indulged and remember the energy crash that comes with it. This issue is no different for children, and when this type of eating becomes a habit, there are serious consequences in the classroom. 

Recent studies found, that when a child has a diet that is high in saturated fats, their working memory can often become impaired. Another study further concluded that children who were Vitamin C and Zinc deficient showed issues related to their physical and mental development.

While the intake of food is critical to a child’s performance in the classroom, many of the foods that are popular in lunchboxes are actually causing more harm than good. The foods are often loaded with sugars, caffeine and salt, hindering children’s learning as a result. Children are often displaying as being tired, jittery and unfocused. Their behaviour is often affected negatively, taking more time away from their academic studies.

With this recent research in mind, what can be done to improve the learning outcomes of our students, thinking about the role that a healthy diet plays?

Healthy lunchboxes should include foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, thinking also about including whole grains and proteins. It is also important to think about vitamins and how they target specific functions in the brain. Foods that are rich in Lecithin such as soybeans and wheat, help to improve working memory. Potassium that is found in fruits such as oranges, bananas, apricots, avocados, and melons also helps to improve brain function and to provide children with enough energy for their busy days at school. Trying to avoid a lunchbox that is heavy with processed foods helps to ultimately promote a healthier body, brain power, and positive behaviour. 

Making a healthy lunch box does not have to be tricky. There are many recipes and ideas available that help families to make great healthy and budget friendly choices. Having your children as a part of the process can also make a positive difference. 

At Emmanuel, our Primary school has recently been learning about the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle through the government initiative Move Well, Eat Well. Students have been thinking about what healthy choices look like, thinking about the importance of exercise, diet, and the importance of keeping hydrated. It has been wonderful to see students trying new vegetables and thinking about ways to include more fruits and veggies in their diets. Thinking about the concept of Nude Food also is a great way to inspire healthy lunchboxes.  Nude Food is simply food that is not wrapped in foil, plastic or commercial packaging. The best type of nude food consists mainly of fresh food, so that it is healthy and nutritious, plus it is environmentally friendly (Ecoschool). An example of this is provided in one of the images below. We will continue to share healthy recipe options in our newsletter and Facebook page and to help inspire some healthy lunchbox options.

Laura Ferguson — Acting Primary Co-ordinator