Aspirational Values

As a school, we believe that students engaging with the curriculum and achieving a high standard of academics is important.

But we also believe that developing our students’ individual character is just as important.

Emmanuel has three core values that underpin everything we do and believe. These foundational values are shaped by the well-known Bible verse found in first Corinthians. That is FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. But the greatest of these is LOVE.

Our school also has three aspirational values that we believe will help to shape and build the school’s culture and the character of our students. These values are **Courage**, Integrity and Respect. These aspirational values are characteristic traits that not all of our students will display at all times. However, we hope that we can instil these values in them over their journey at Emmanuel.

Courage – The Mirium-Webster dictionary defines courage as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. At Emmanuel, one of our goals is to teach and equip our students to become courageous learners. This might mean trying new things. Trying new things can sometimes be difficult but it’s an essential ingredient for growth. You won't always get something right the first time. However, we believe that having the courage to tackle challenges over and over until you overcome them is very important.

Integrity – Integrity is often defined as doing what is right, even when no one else is watching. When we say that someone is a person of integrity, we usually imply that they have the quality of being honest and have strong moral principles. People will notice that we have integrity when we’re dependable and follow through on our commitments. When we’re open and honest in our communication and interactions with others. And when we hold ourselves accountable and own up to our limitations. Some of these things can be hard to learn and take time.

Respect – Respect is about showing honour and consideration by putting others before ourselves. Being respectful is being aware of how what we do impacts on others. We can show respect in a variety of different ways:

  • Speak respectfully - This can be demonstrated by our students by speaking quietly and politely, thinking before they speak and speaking when it is appropriate to do so.

  • Behave respectfully - Our students can do this by doing as they are asked without argument, listening carefully and following instructions and by wearing the correct uniform.

  • Respect for the school environment - Both in and out of the classroom, we encourage our students to look after and have pride in their school. This might include putting rubbish in the bins or sticking to the rules regarding specialist rooms and equipment – eg. Science labs, sports and ICT equipment etc.

  • Respect for your own learning - Our students should be continually striving to make outstanding progress, valuing success by being on time to school and lessons, having the correct equipment; doing the work to the best of their ability; and asking for help if they need it.

  • Respect for others learning - Our hope and prayer for our students is that they will value other people’s ideas, work and contributions, co-operating with and supporting other students and helping to create a positive learning environment.

Our young people may not always get these values right, but school is a journey, and we’re here to assist them in becoming the best version of themselves during the course of that journey. As adults, we also need to be mindful of modelling these values during our own journeys.

Drew Roberts — Acting Principal