Emmanuel Breakfast Program

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It is something we have all heard a thousand times over, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.

But why? Breakfast means to, “break the fast”. Typically, when we get up in the morning, most of us would not have eaten since our last meal, at least 8 – 10 hours prior. Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal, as it is when we are re-fueling our bodies. Re-fueling with much needed energy and nutrients, particularly in our younger children. If breakfast is missed, we run the risk of being tired, suffering from poor concentration, and this can lead to behaviour problems in the classroom too.

Having three of my own children, who are all different when it comes to eating habits, I understand the difficulties that arise when you are encouraging breakfast. It can be a difficult encounter to say the least.

Missing breakfast can limit children’s energy levels, it can deny their bodies of essential nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamins B and C. All of which are vital for growth, development and good health. Children who eat breakfast are more likely to achieve the daily nutritional requirements. The Australian dietary guidelines recommend that students should eat foods daily from five different food groups:

  1. Fruit

  2. Vegetables

  3. Cereals

  4. Meat

  5. Dairy

Earlier this year, I surveyed students in Year 3 through to Year 10. Results showed the following:

  • 60% of students regularly ate breakfast

  • 75% of students would eat breakfast at school if it was provided

  • 45% of students believe breakfast being supplied three days a week was appropriate

  • 36% of students wanting it provided daily

  • 20% of students spend between 1 and 1 ½ hours travelling to school.

Looking at the above data, it makes sense to create an opportunity for our students to have breakfast at school, for some, it may be their second helping, but that is ok!

The Emmanuel Breakfast club kicked off today!

The Emmanuel Breakfast club kicked off today! It will run 8.30am - 9.00am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

This initiative will be led by our Student Leader group, taking turns to assist Mrs Sue Newitt and myself to serve our students breakfast and provide a time for them to fellowship together.

I would personally like to thank Mrs Newitt and the student leaders for their hard work getting this organised, writing a letter to the Manager of Woolworths - Sorell, seeking donations for the breakfast club. It is our hope that providing breakfast will assist our students to be focused and engaged in their learning, right from the start of the day.

You can see more photos from our first Breakfast club via our Facebook page.


Drew Roberts — Deputy Principal