A ‘Big Picture’ Perspective

Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise. Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding. Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the Lord, and humility comes before honor.
— Proverbs 15:31-33

We are well and truly gearing up for 2022. This is always interesting while we pour copious amounts of time and energy into finishing 2021.

A number of sources are guiding our steps to finish the year and ensure 2022 begins on a solid footing. The Bible is always in our thinking and the underpinning foundation of all we do. We have the Strategic Plan and School Operations Plan along with our ‘Plan-on-a-Page’. We also have the Endeavour Community Health Audit Report.

You may recall that the Endeavour Community Health Audit Report is the survey parents, staff, and students completed earlier in the year. My printed copy is getting rather tattered and has stick notes and annotation all through it. The report is a plethora of thoughts and considered guidance along with praise and concern.

The ‘big picture’ perspective this audit report gives us is invaluable.

The document provides senior staff with insight into a cross-section of our community thinking. Because of the size of the document, we are breaking it down into manageable bits.

A good example of how we use the report was evident in a point that came up in the survey by some people concerned about poor student behaviour. This was not a consistent issue but raised enough for us to address it. It was not news to us but helped confirm we need to revisit processes and tolerances for certain behaviours.

The home, student, school partnership is invaluable.

Scott Winkler — Principal