Re-visiting the Power of Three

At Emmanuel Christian School, we have a tradition of welcoming new families into our community. This event called ‘The Welcome BBQ’ is held in Term 1, and this year it has been slotted for Friday 23 February. One of the highlights of this evening is that we reflect on ‘Why Christian Education’. Reflections on the latter try to re-affirm that the best educational choice for a parent or carer is Christian education. As a school and organisation, we also use this platform to explain the Christian focus beyond the brief that we have during the enrolment interview. As I prepared to write this article my thoughts continued to revolve on the power of THREE.

Through a biblical lens, the power of three resonates with the beliefs of the trinity ...

In mathematics and physics, we learnt that the three-sided shape (triangle) was the most robust shape, having a solid base and capable of bearing some heavy loads. In physical chemistry in lower secondary school, we learnt about the three states of matter. Of course, these days we are being introduced to other possible states of matter, but fundamental science still teaches our students of solids, liquids, and gases. In baseball, three misses constitute a strikeout. In soccer and cricket, we celebrate ‘hat-tricks’. Lithium, atomic number 3, is the most sought-after element these days as the world moves towards green energy. Who will forget the 3-D movie experience? In counting when we get to three it is okay to use ‘many’. Such is the power of three in the natural.

Through a biblical lens, the power of three resonates with the belief of trinity, showcasing perfect unity and harmony, hence in the creation story (Genesis 1:26), God said, ‘Let US!’ and not ‘Let ME’. Scriptural emphasis in this regard symbolises completeness, stability, and divine presence. These elements are profoundly impactful in education and are even captured in our organisation’s logo below:

Within our organisation the three entwinned ropes model a framework of cooperation between the family, school, and the church. The family has the ordained responsibility of educating the child. The school works together with the family in realising the education of the child. The church as the body of believers is the repository of truth and what society values in line with God’s word. Just as the Godhead trinity operates in unity towards the redemption of humanity, these three entities are expected to work together towards the holistic development of the child, with high expectations on academic growth and achievement, values-based integrity, and socio-emotional wellbeing.

At the school level, the triadic model inspires the essence of cooperation between students, teachers, and families. The educational journey is not an easy one and it is important for these three stakeholders to work in unison towards the objective. I am reminded of the biblical story of Jonah (Jonah 1) who spent three days and nights in the belly of a great fish before his deliverance. Such is the nature of the transformative educational journeys. These three stakeholders have to persevere together, remain hopeful together through collectively believing for the best outcomes for the student, family, and the school. Challenges will come but collective effort breeds resilience, and affirms a greater sense of purpose and achievement. The essence of the power of three is best captured in Ecclesiastes 4:12,

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken’.

The Power of Three principle and its embrace in education is one feature that sets Christian education apart from other schools of educational thought. Christian education is based on and thrives on the strength found in the community, families, school and church, and the educational community – teachers, students, and parents working on the curriculum. At Emmanuel we fully embrace this principle and believe that when these elements are intertwined, they nurture a robust learning environment, resilient to challenges and supporting learning experiences that support and promote student growth and achievement.

Welcome to our new families, staff, and students to the Emmanuel community. Let us collaborate and persevere together for a greater and better future for our students. Let us be encouraged in knowing that with God on our side we are more than three, therefore success is certain, and the growth and achievement of our students is possible. May God bless our School, State, and Country.

Lifeas Kapofu – Principal


Fostering a Growth Mindset